Network of ISO Optical Schools

We bring the benefits of our teaching skills to students in the regions

With its eleven schools across France, ISO shares its expertise and excellence with students in the regions. This decentralisation principle is dear to ISO, whose missions include furthering the reach of the optical professions. Now, wherever ISO’s future graduates may be, their passion for opticianry can flourish near their homes, with total peace of mind.

With the opening of Isotech Miami, ISO is expanding its know-how and expertise to the United States. ISO’s international expansion aims at promoting and supporting young talents in their contribution to improve eyecare worldwide.


33, rue Wurtz
75013 PARIS
Phone: +33 1 53 95 29 29


323 Avenue Thiers
33100 Bordeaux
Phone: +33 5 56 00 02 07


34 bis avenue de Grugliasco
38130 Echirolles
Phone: +33 7 63 77 75 94


64 rue Saint-Etienne
59000 Lille
Phone: +33 3 20 55 10 55


9 avenue Leclerc
69007 Lyon
Phone: +33 4 37 28 69 69


43 Rue Frédéric Joliot Curie
13013 Marseille
Phone: +33 4 91 78 50 50


34 Rue Stanislas
54000 Nancy
Phone: +33 3 83 45 83 45


14 rue de la Rainière
44300 Nantes
Phone: +33 2 51 81 05 00


7 boulevard Solferino
35000 Rennes
Phone: +33 2 23 40 10 20


101 Boulevard de l’Europe
76100 Rouen


19 rue Bayard
31000 Toulouse
Phone: +33 5 34 45 51 50


span>Phone: +33 1 53 95 29 29